
Basic Composition

eletter can be used to construct a basic text e-mail using the compose() function like so:

from eletter import compose

msg = compose(
    subject="The subject of the e-mail",
    to=["recipient@domain.com", "another.recipient@example.nil"],
    text="This is the body of the e-mail.  Write what you want here!\n",


Observe that the from_ argument is spelled with an underscore. It has to be this way, because plain old from is a keyword in Python.

If you want to construct an HTML e-mail, use the html keyword instead of text:

from eletter import compose

msg = compose(
    subject="The subject of the e-mail",
    to=["recipient@domain.com", "another.recipient@example.nil"],
        "<p>This is the <strong>body</strong> of the <em>e</em>-mail."
        "  <span style='color: red;'>Write what you want here!</span></p>\n"

By specifying both text and html, you’ll get an e-mail whose HTML part is displayed if the e-mail reader supports it and whose text part is displayed instead on lower-tech clients.

from eletter import compose

msg = compose(
    subject="The subject of the e-mail",
    to=["recipient@domain.com", "another.recipient@example.nil"],
    text="This is displayed on plain text clients.\n",
    html="<p>This is displayed on graphical clients.<p>\n",


In the examples so far, e-mail addresses have just been specified as, well, addresses. However, addresses usually belong to people or organizations with names; we can include these names alongside the addresses by constructing Address objects from pairs of “display names” and e-mail addresses:

from eletter import Address, compose

msg = compose(
    subject="The subject of the e-mail",
    from_=Address("Sender's name goes here", "sender@domain.com"),
        Address("Joe Q. Recipient", "recipient@domain.com"),
        Address("Jane Z. Another-Recipient", "another.recipient@example.nil"),
    text="This is the body of the e-mail.  Write what you want here!\n",

Sometimes addresses come in named groups. We can represent these with the Group class, which takes a name for the group and an iterable of address strings and/or Address objects:

from eletter import Address, Group, compose

msg = compose(
    subject="The subject of the e-mail",
                Address("Joe Q. Recipient", "recipient@domain.com"),
                Address("Jane Z. Another-Recipient", "another.recipient@example.nil"),
        Address("Mr. Not-in-a-Group", "ungrouped@unkno.wn"),
                Address("Anemones", "sea.flora@ocean.net"),
    text="This is the body of the e-mail.  Write what you want here!\n",

CC, BCC, etc.

Besides From and To addresses, compose() also accepts optional arguments for CC, BCC, Reply-To, and Sender addresses:

from eletter import compose

msg = compose(
    from_=Address("Mme E.", "me@here.com"),
    to=["you@there.net", Address("Thaddeus Hem", "them@hither.yon")],
    cc=[Address("Cee Cee Cecil", "ccc@seesaws.cc"), "coco@nu.tz"],
        Address("Secret Cabal", "illuminati@new.world.order"),
    subject="To: Everyone",
    text="Meeting tonight!  You know the place.  Bring pizza.\n",


The to, cc, and bcc arguments always take lists or iterables of addresses. from_ and reply_to, on the other hand, can be set to either a single address or an iterable of addresses. sender must always be a single address.


Attachments come in two common types: text and binary. eletter provides a class for each, TextAttachment and BytesAttachment.

We can construct a BytesAttachment as follows:

from eletter import BytesAttachment

attachment = BytesAttachment(
    b'... binary data goes here ...',

This will create an application/octet-stream attachment with an “attachment” disposition (meaning that most clients will just display it as a clickable icon). To set the content type to something more informative, set the content_type parameter to the relevant MIME type. To have the attachment displayed inline (generally only an option for images & videos), set the inline parameter to true. Hence:

from eletter import BytesAttachment

attachment = BytesAttachment(
    b'... binary data goes here ...',

If your desired attachment exists as a file on your system, you can construct a BytesAttachment from the file directly with the from_file() classmethod:

from eletter import BytesAttachment

attachment = BytesAttachment.from_file(

The basename of the given file will be used as the filename of the attachment. (If you want to use a different name, set the filename attribute on the attachment after creating it.) If content_type is not given, the MIME type of the file will be guessed based on its file extension.

The TextAttachment class is analogous to BytesAttachment, except that it is constructed from a str instead of bytes, and the content_type (which defaults to "text/plain") must be a text type.

Once you’ve created some attachment objects, they can be attached to an e-mail by passing them in a list as the attachments argument:

from eletter import BytesAttachment, TextAttachment, compose

spreadsheet = TextAttachment.from_file("income.csv")
image = BytesAttachment.from_file("cat.jpg")

msg = compose(
    subject="That data you wanted",
    text="Here's that data you wanted, sir.  And also the ... other thing.\n",
    attachments=[spreadsheet, image],

Attaching E-mails to E-mails

On rare occasions, you may have an e-mail that you want to completely embed in a new e-mail as an attachment. With eletter, you can do this with the EmailAttachment class. It works the same as BytesAttachment and TextAttachment, except that the content must be an email.message.EmailMessage instance, and you can’t set the Content-Type (which is always message/rfc822). Like the other attachment classes, EmailAttachment also has a from_file() classmethod for constructing an instance from an e-mail in a file.

Date and Extra Headers

compose() takes two more parameters that we haven’t mentioned yet. First is date, which lets you set the Date header in an e-mail to a given datetime.datetime instance. Second is headers, which lets you set arbitrary extra headers on an e-mail by passing in a dict. Each value in the dict must be either a string or (if you want to set multiple headers with the same name) an iterable of strings.

from datetime import datetime
from eletter import compose

msg = compose(
    subject="The subject of the e-mail",
    to=["recipient@domain.com", "another.recipient@example.nil"],
    text="This is the body of the e-mail.  Write what you want here!\n",
    date=datetime(2021, 3, 10, 17, 56, 36).astimezone(),
        "User-Agent": "My Mail Application v.1",
        "Priority": "urgent",
        "Comments": [
            "I like e-mail.",
            "But no one ever looks at e-mails' sources, so no one will ever know.",

multipart/mixed Messages

All the e-mails constructed so far, when viewed in an e-mail client, have their attachments listed at the bottom. What if we want to mix & match attachments and text, switching from text to an attachment and then back to text? eletter lets you do this by providing TextBody and HTMLBody classes that can be &-ed with attachments to produce multipart/mixed messages, like so:

from eletter import BytesAttachment, TextBody

part1 = TextBody("Look at the pretty kitty!\n")

snuffles = BytesAttachment.from_file("snuffles.jpeg", inline=True)

part2 = TextBody("Now look at this dog.\n")

rags = BytesAttachment.from_file("rags.jpeg", inline=True)

part3 = TextBody("Which one is cuter?\n")

mixed = part1 & snuffles & part2 & rags & part3

We can then convert mixed into an EmailMessage by calling its compose() method, which takes the same arguments as the compose() function, minus text, html, and attachments.

msg = mixed.compose(
    subject="The subject of the e-mail",
    to=["recipient@domain.com", "another.recipient@example.nil"],

When the resulting e-mail is viewed in a client, you’ll see three lines of text with images between them.

multipart/alternative Messages

Now that we know how to construct mixed messages, how do we use them to create messages with both mixed-HTML and mixed-text payloads where the client shows whichever mixed payload it can support? The answer is the | operator; using it to combine two eletter objects will give you a multipart/alternative object, representing an e-mail message with two different versions of the same content that the client will then pick between.

from eletter import BytesAttachment, HTMLBody, TextBody

text1 = TextBody("Look at the pretty kitty!\n")
text2 = TextBody("Now look at this dog.\n")
text3 = TextBody("Which one is cuter?\n")

html1 = HTMLBody("<p>Look at the <em>pretty kitty</em>!</p>\n")
html2 = HTMLBody("<p>Now look at this <strong>dog</strong>.</p>\n")
html2 = HTMLBody("<p>Which one is <span style='color: pink'>cuter</span>?</p>\n")

snuffles = BytesAttachment.from_file("snuffles.jpeg", inline=True)
rags = BytesAttachment.from_file("rags.jpeg", inline=True)

mixed_text = text1 & snuffles & text2 & rags & text3
mixed_html = html1 & snuffles & html2 & rags & html3

alternative = mixed_text | mixed_html

The alternative object can then be converted to an e-mail with the same compose() method that mixed objects have.


The parts of a multipart/alternative message should generally be placed in increasing order of preference, which means that the text part should be on the left of the | and the HTML part should be on the right.

Sending E-mails

Once you’ve constructed your e-mail and turned it into an EmailMessage object, you can send it using Python’s smtplib, imaplib, or mailbox modules or using a compatible third-party library. Actually doing this is beyond the scope of this tutorial & library, but may I suggest outgoing, by yours truly?